Colorado 150 America 250 Pedestrian Walkway
Colorado celebrates it's 150th birthday in 2026. As part of the Semisesquicentennial, we're planning an iconic pedestrian walkway connecting Colorado State Capitol, Lincoln Veterans Memorial Park and Civic Center, the center of democracy in downtown Denver. Civic Center is the at the center of the downtown revitalization, with the addition of the 5280 Trail–connecting the Golden Triangle to Skyline Park in a 4 mile loop around the City, crossing right through the Capitol circle. As we look to our next 150 years and beyond, Coloradans have a true opportunity to create a multi-modal walkway combining Colorado's shared history, local artists and community celebrating Colorado’s 150th for everyone to enjoy. Fill out our feedback form and let us know your thoughts!

Colorado’s Sesquisemiquincentennial
in 2026
In 2026, the United States will mark the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence—our nation’s semiquincentennial. At the same time, Colorado will mark the 150th anniversary of our entrance into the Union—our state’s sesquicentennial. As the Centennial State, Colorado is the only one who will observe twin anniversaries—our Sesquisemiquincentennial. As we celebrate this uniquely Colorado commemoration, we invite you to pause, reflect upon, and honor Colorado’s shared history as we imagine our future together through community events, educational opportunities, statewide celebrations, and more.
Request for Artist Qualifications
Qualifications are requested from artists interested in creating an artwork for the Colorado 150 Pedestrian Walkway. The project is dedicating up to $2 million for the commission of multiple artworks. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2025.
For more information and to apply, visit the Colorado 150 Pedestrian Walkway CaFÉ website.